The month of October has been a very trying month for us. Eric began his Chemo in September with minimal side effects. But, October was not so easy. He got a bit of a cold and then got a another dose of Chemo. From there he went down hill a bit. We made the emergency room a weekly routine visit. If it wasn't for dehydration it was for a fever of 105 degrees. We found out on Halloween that he had acquired a bit of pneumonia and his white and red cells were both very low.
Eric has made the decision that he has enough Chemo..At least for right now. I am glad to see that he is finally feeling better. His energy and appetite are finally returning, after about 3 weeks very little food and 35lbs lighter. Yes, the weight loss was that severe. I chuckled yesterday when we drove from place to place to find an Italian restaurant that was open, and serving Raviolis.
Hopefully, We can fatten him up between now and Thanksgiving. I will be heading into surgery myself on Monday, for something minor. I will off my feet for a few days. But I will be ready for making the best Thanksgiving every at home!!
I will have Eric post in the next couple of days..This past month of silence was unforeseen.
The month of October has been a very trying month for us. Eric began his Chemo in September with minimal side effects. But, October was not so easy. He got a bit of a cold and then got a another dose of Chemo. From there he went down hill a bit. We made the emergency room a weekly routine visit. If it wasn't for dehydration it was for a fever of 105 degrees. We found out on Halloween that he had acquired a bit of pneumonia and his white and red cells were both very low.
Eric has made the decision that he has enough Chemo..At least for right now. I am glad to see that he is finally feeling better. His energy and appetite are finally returning, after about 3 weeks very little food and 35lbs lighter. Yes, the weight loss was that severe. I chuckled yesterday when we drove from place to place to find an Italian restaurant that was open, and serving Raviolis.
Hopefully, We can fatten him up between now and Thanksgiving. I will be heading into surgery myself on Monday, for something minor. I will off my feet for a few days. But I will be ready for making the best Thanksgiving every at home!!
I will have Eric post in the next couple of days..This past month of silence was unforeseen.
Hey all,
As you read what Lori wrote, It was a rough 3 weeks, so i was unable to write, sorry.
I wanted to say to Roro's comment, that If you would e mail me @ eric_g_deleon@sbcglobal.net we could disscause how we did It. thanks
Well I am felling better every day, so It's back to the grind stone in reguards to the fight with the big c, good diet,my supliments back on schedule and exersise.
Alway's keep a possative aditude, because well beat this, we all need to stick together and fight It.
Keep posting you folks are the best, thanks for your support.
My son has been dropped from his US transplant list, and it looks lke China (for a cadaver transplant) is our only hope. Any advice/experiences wold be greatly appreciated.
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