Transplant Tales: to China and back

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hi All,

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I know we did.
Let me tell you I have a lot to be thankful for, I'm still here!!!

I have been getting a lot of comments from people asking how to help someone do what I did, and that's fine, If you need specific information please contact me at There is a underscore after the c in Eric and after the g initial.
You can leave your e-mail address there and I alone will get it. It will not be posted on the blog, so try to get me that way I will be happy to help any way I can.

Well I'll be honest with you the chemo is difficult, I got the first 2 injections of chemo and no problem, but the 3rd injection within 1 week I was hurting bad, It's bad stuff. (I was getting these injections every 3 weeks.) So there the Dr. Is going to reduce the amount of chemo so I can keep working, still got to pay bills, (dose it ever end?) .

Well I left a comment for Kev and Kate who are in China now waiting for a transplant, our prayers are with them. You can find them at

I had an interview with Forbes recently re: fraud in this area ( organ fraud) which is out there , I was unaware of most of this when I went to China, we did get a little skeptical when we were on the web. At that time, but we saw nothing in China to indicate foul play, I was in a university hospital quite large with all the modern equip we have here, they just don't waste money on stupid stuff like digital thermometers, fancy scales to weigh you, fancy offices and waiting rooms. They are very frugal with there money, one would think it was socialized medicine, but it is not.
During my stay, all of the liver transplant patients were of Asian descent except for one gentleman which was Middle eastern and myself.

So the claims by some stating "Rich Americans" are flooding the Chinese transplant hospitals seems a little foolish, and if there were so many going over there how come everyone is calling me to see how to do it?

So I guess I have bent your ears enough, keep writing us we love hearing from you.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Hey everyone,

I hope your all well this holiday season, well it looks like someone has benefited from the website, I spoke to ma took a wile back re: her nephew Kevin they were having trouble getting the right direction in getting a transplant, I'm so happy there on there way and keeping life will be extended and hopefully long and prosperous, best wishes Kevin.

Also Steve Around the corner will benefit, It's great .
If we all stick together and pool our minds together and get our family and friends together and involved together we can beat this , and ultimately find a cure!

Keep bloging this is a global issue like everything is now a days. Its up to us the people of this planet who are in control of our own destiny, lets talk come on get it out there that's how we find solutions.

Well as I have been telling all of you the book is done but I'm having some trouble , wondering if you will like it . I made it informative as I know how to, trying to keep it lite .
I want to go for it, but unfoutunatly we are a little taped right now, and getting it published is an expense that's not a priority right now.
Hey to my partners out there
you know who you are.
If heaven for bid I don't make it very long , don't forget the widows and orphans fund, Ill rest easy knowing my partners are taking care of them.
Thanks to everyone for all your support, it will never be forgot.
Lets all who visit this site leave a brief story which may help others.
So for now stay positive love to all

So if any one out there wants to help, you can I figured if I got 1 cent from every one in the U.S.A. I think that would do it. Ha, Ha, Ha,

Saturday, November 11, 2006


The month of October has been a very trying month for us. Eric began his Chemo in September with minimal side effects. But, October was not so easy. He got a bit of a cold and then got a another dose of Chemo. From there he went down hill a bit. We made the emergency room a weekly routine visit. If it wasn't for dehydration it was for a fever of 105 degrees. We found out on Halloween that he had acquired a bit of pneumonia and his white and red cells were both very low.

Eric has made the decision that he has enough Chemo..At least for right now. I am glad to see that he is finally feeling better. His energy and appetite are finally returning, after about 3 weeks very little food and 35lbs lighter. Yes, the weight loss was that severe. I chuckled yesterday when we drove from place to place to find an Italian restaurant that was open, and serving Raviolis.

Hopefully, We can fatten him up between now and Thanksgiving. I will be heading into surgery myself on Monday, for something minor. I will off my feet for a few days. But I will be ready for making the best Thanksgiving every at home!!

I will have Eric post in the next couple of days..This past month of silence was unforeseen.